--- Carbon Footprint ---

Since I pretty much wrecked the old forum...here's a new one.
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Some one erased forum 2.x easily because someone was fired and they didn't change all the passwords. So the F'er got in and started erasing everything.
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--- Carbon Footprint ---

Post by TheeTFD »

Carbon Footprint !
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions.
The average carbon footprint for a person in the United States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world. Globally, the average is closer to 4 tons. To have the best chance of avoiding a 2℃ rise in global temperatures, the average global carbon footprint per year needs to drop under 2 tons by 2050. :roll:
Some one was promoting the "Elf" vehicle, all I could think was, how many C Ft.Pts. did he make ?
So your CFP was made by your parents. Not truly your fault. So hopefully you and your significant
other stop multiplying carbon by having only 2 children. :!:
https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ 7.77 billion on 2-27-2020
So I think the question is how many do we need to get the footprint under control.
if 7.77B is to 4T then 2T is to 7.77/2= 3.885B because 2 is to 4 as 1/2
So the world governments need to cut the pop. in half. How are they going to do that ?
# :idea: Trump and Putin out of the picture !
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Re: --- Carbon Footprint ---

Post by TheeTFD »

From Paris to Pittsburg
C. R . 2018 National Geographic Society
Climate Change notification, mostly caused by carbon emissions.
And all I can see is more babies pushing the envelope of man's Carbon Footprint.
They see, sea-level rise as a harm. That's why I think we need to suck ocean water
into space. And make an ice shield. Something that might work for deflecting a meteor.
And what if we made a satellite that in GeoSynOrb blocked sunlight and or evaporated Atlantic
Ocean water for minimizing hurricane.
# :idea: Trump and Putin out of the picture !
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Re: --- Carbon Footprint ---

Post by TheeTFD »

MIT technology review
by James Temple 12/23/2021
Now I'm watching "60 Minutes" and they say French wine is dying and English wine is growing.
Due to warm weather shift to England.
Back to Mr. Temple, https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/1 ... ket-newtab -
--- He tries to blow smoke toward a world society that has it's dukes up.
He says some of the hysterical calls of +5* C by 2100 might be too high.
He reports deaths are way down due to better warnings. https://ourworldindata.org/natural-disasters
The auto industry is ballin'out. [cause they were forced, yet the chemicals needed for batteries will be costly or dangerous]
He seems to think the political rhetoric is moving in the right direction.
Young people are buying into the climate crisis. Yet he realizes we can't shut down the global economy to achieve some
radical end. Agreed.
But reckless spending on phoney pie in the sky solutions will hurt us too.
He uses 2052 as a demarcation for success or failure. Yet fails to mention population growth and waste and how that will effect albedo.
# :idea: Trump and Putin out of the picture !
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