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Micheal Savage

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:56 pm
by TheeTFD
This guy is too big for his britches. Brilliant mind, great with history. And now an American subversive. Well, he got his when Britain banned him.
That's what you get when you vilify the American president for selfish reasons. I'm glad I'm not the only one to despise his anti Obama rhetoric.

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:54 am
by TheeTFD
It's time to give Mike S. a little love.

"Countdown to Mecca"
is his latest book, everybody looked at the cover and said, " Oh no he wants to blow up Mecca"
Well, he says it's a book about rouge Generals that want to off Islamic hostiles.
I get about 1/2 hour of Savage and Rush Lim. and Rush Lim. makes more sense.
Rush Lim. will try and make sense of some complicated issue, Savage just rags on people. There are no issues with Savage just his way.
You can't have a conversation with most of these guys but Savage is worst.
He'll figure out your take in 1/2 a sentence and step on your position with his big mouth.
Well I got news for you Savage, might is right, not intelligence. So should someone give you a fat lip,
you'll need to quiet your version of righteousness and indignation until your lips work again.
Savage's dogma is no different than Hitler's, his way or the hiway !
Which I understand if you want to get something done.
I just wish the founders of Judaism could understand the polarizing methods of their religion.
Since that was [thought] from 3000-4500 yr ago maybe it's time for an update. Meaning it took the Jew [slaves, as everyone was slave to the Pharaoh] 2500 yr to escape to Armageddon where maybe as many as 30,000 were slaughtered [~16,000 soldiers] in the battle and siege !
I have nothing against Jews. But let's look at this human fornicating logic. 6 million Jews and other non-Nazis where killed in
the Holocaust. There was minor ethnic cleansing done in Bosnia and the world keeps rotating like nothing happened !

We must be missing the trigger. I know one thing the souls where plentiful. Like the devils legions.
No one is innocent, just less evil or perverse.
Re the Crusades, shouldn't the Popes of the Crusades be renounced ? We don't kill in the name of Jesus Christ !

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 4:01 pm
by TheeTFD - M.S. rags on Obama for chastising Christianity for past wrongs.
* [Kyle Kulinski]

Code: Select all - Obama, not out of context.

Nothing is forgotten !
So Mike and Hanitizer and Krauthammer belittle Obama for asking all Americans to remain humble in the face of ISIS evil.
Their point being the Crusades were ages ago. Fine, the Holocaust didn't happen and all Germans [read superior Caucasians and followers of Nazism] are born again Christians and are forgiven for trying to maintain a healthy genetic code for the surviving fortunate !
---Kyle Kulinski says why limit it to religious atrocities ? Nationalism and Imperialism can be just as vile !
All this because this admin. won't step on ISIS throat. Not our war, let them kill each other. Just because an enterprising American gets killed over
there, we're supposed to risk our lives for his esoteric business ? The people have spoken, "we won't fight your dirty war !" [dirty being wrong cause or fought not to win, police action B.S.]. As much as we have invested in the Middle East, Iraq should be American.
As with So. Korea, So. Viet Nam and no one could complain because America is people/culture friendly, re greasing palms.
Imperialism over mayhem.
The last I heard the Iraq war was costing too much. Triple A credit rated America couldn't afford the war,[knocked us down to just Double A] at least not the way they were fighting it.
I remember a lot of rhetoric about it being too expensive, for some reason... and I remember a lot of rhetoric about war be profitable for someone.
M.S. was heard to say Obama goes against nature. Well you know nature is the most vile aggressive entity in this solar system.
Nature is a whore for life. It will do whatever it can do to maintain and promote life. And a nature boy is one that breeds with no regard for upbringing
and heritage. Similar to a guy that runs out on a marriage with children, read wild Man.
Which is why man [and women] are in this deadly life struggle.
Some how man has managed to get 3 to 4 billion humans on earth.
Is there a food shortage ? Are we at the tipping point ?
Should blackman be allowed to blunder without a face ?!

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:12 pm
by TheeTFD
enough with the one on one hate !
I'm putting Mark Levin [Lavin] in the same group with Savage, he doesn't need his own thread, he's a Savage clone.
Mark L. might have a sightly better sense of humor.
When these two get bored or the current American administration hasn't committed an atrocity lately,
they resort one on one hate ! My guess it is to get the evil amongst you to retaliate.
Truly petty for these radio dolts who think they are warning or guiding us with their radio trash talk.
Recently there has been a lot of Black on White on Chinese on Police and vice-versa, crime.
So these guys tell you about a crime in anywhere U.S.A., and say a Black or an illegal did it. They get their indignation voice going like they could've fixed that issue.
---so evil doesn't need to be requited ?
So all the lynchings of blacks are forgotten ? And abortion murders of mulatto children because of white shame are forgotten ?
Biker gangs coming on strong, killing each other in turf wars for the crime market.
And the best these swine can do is point fingers at some wife killer like we all need to know about that.

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:00 pm
by TheeTFD
-In the Gaming game, there is a term called a "boxer".
That's a guy that throws money all over a Crap table trying to confuse the dealer. He'll have a half dozen bets going hoping the dealer will miss one
right before dice change. So he can argue for a win.
Savage is like this, he'll get four or five issues going yet, with all the semantics we can't keep up with 2.
He can't argue one to a completion because he knows Janusian Logic says opposite views can be just as equal.
So majority rule.
Savage was denigrating the oligarchy that runs the Americas both the politician and entrepreneur as one.
He went off on Zuckerberg for using cheap labor and others for laying off Americans that where making 3 times as much.
He had to throw the unions in for something. [to enforce tariffs] That is one of Obama's main campain focal points, making American Co. pay for
taking jobs out of the country.
Savage wants to tariff the piss out of China. Can't really argue with that.
I know after the workers get their share the unions should be minimized. It's the unions that
forced wages so high companies moved out of America so they could stay competitive. Or greedy, whatever.
The pensions they garnered are so one sided the cities can't pay them due to the job exodus of companies.

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:45 pm
by TheeTFD
Mike called Rachel Dolezal a con.

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:04 pm
by TheeTFD
Mark Lavin [Savage Jr.]
Likes to say the Republicans aren't the party of race due to some facts that back in the 1830's it was the Democrats that housed
the KKK and other Jim Crow personalities..
OK so there's been a logic shift over the last 165 yr. Remember Andrew Jackson was one of the meanest Indian Fighters ever.
And a founder of the Democratic Party. The Americas needed to be settled.

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:15 pm
by TheeTFD
Quit picking on the Girls !
Savage went off on the Ladies today. Bully
He said, Chelsea couldn't finish a sentence. And ranked on Hillary for charging $165K for a speech that was
refused and given to the daughter for $65K. That's good dough if you can get it ! Respect.
Then he went off on Ms.Pres because she rounded up $200M for schooling girls. Mike must be jealous of the successful ladies.

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:53 pm
by TheeTFD
Savage continues to say Pres. Obama wants to destroy the nation.
He really digs deep to fire up angst against the ruling class.
He said, the Europe Union represents the first stab at One World government. And that no borders is their goal. [words to that effect]
And it should lead to world peace--[tongue in cheek]
I'll get accurate clarification on that.
Off topic-
This is good stuff:

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:30 pm
by TheeTFD
Kuhner sums Savage
Article by Jeffrey Kuhner 6-21- 2012 then writing for the Washington Times.
It's a good summation of Savage's rants. From Mike's website. I'll break it down over 3-4 posts.
President Obama is gradually transforming America into a socialist authoritarian state. This is the real meaning of his recent decision to grant backdoor amnesty to young illegal immigrants. Mr. Obama is behaving like a Latin American strongman, who asserts arbitrary power and ignores the rule of law. He is assaulting the very pillars of our constitutional republic.
This a typical Savage shill, labeling everything when nothing is absolute.
Is this truly a republic when democrats rule ? No one had an answer for this issue. Though this guy later says there are stipulations.

Last week, the administration announced that it will stop deporting young illegal aliens. The policy shift affects as many as 800,000 illegal immigrants. Mr. Obama’s order lifts the fear of deportation. It also grants them work permits. Mr. Obama has waved his magic wand and converted the immigration status of countless aliens, flipping them from illegal to legal residents.
No it doesn't, they must go through the process and apply.

The order applies to those who entered America before the age of 16 and are younger than 30, who have been living here for at least five years, have no violent criminal background, possess a U.S. high school diploma or have served in the military. The policy change is a blatant attempt to bribe the Hispanic vote prior to the November election - a key constituency Mr. Obama must win.

Yet, the order is more than crass partisan politics. It is an ominous usurpation of centralized power - a naked attempt to entrench an imperial presidency. Mr. Obama lacks the legal authority to grant amnesty. He is not a monarch or tyrant with unlimited discretionary authority. Rather, he is confined by our constitutional system of the separation of powers and checks and balances. The Constitution is crystal-clear: Congress has the sole power to craft immigration policy. Mr. Obama’s actions are flagrantly anti-democratic.
Again this is a problem Obama inherited that had the public up in arms. Yet I agree anything but English spoken here isn't
conducive to one solid union.

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Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:04 pm
by TheeTFD
continuation of J. Kuhner
His goal is simple: to destroy the American nation. For decades, our supposed betters have encouraged open borders and unlimited Third World immigration. Corporatist Republicans seek to import cheap labor; liberal Democrats want to import millions of potential voters. The middle- and working-class, however, have been decimated. Their wages have eroded, crime has skyrocketed, border states in the South are overwhelmed, and hospitals, schools and welfare services have been strained to the breaking point. Illegal immigration is slowly bankrupting America.
Half the problem is we couldn't get them to pay taxes !
Now Mr. Obama has established a magnet for millions more to come. Aliens know they can wait out Uncle Sam - eventually, amnesty will be granted. U.S. national sovereignty, the rule of law and our constitutional republic are being sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism and the creation of a Democrat-ruled one-party state. The administration has whetted the insatiable appetite of leftist Hispanic activists. The logic is inexorable: If a path to legalization can be paved for young illegal immigrants, then why not all 12 million to 20 million aliens in America? Mr. Obama clearly hopes to galvanize the Hispanic community and to build a permanent liberal ruling coalition by massively expanding the Democratic base. Today, it is piecemeal amnesty. Tomorrow, it will be wholesale legalization. The American electorate will be transformed, thereby entrenching Obamaism for decades to come. In short, Mr. Obama is slowly erecting a leftist state.
I suppose we could go back to spending on Police Actions !

This is what nationally syndicated radio talk show host Michael Savage has been warning for years. The combative conservative’s show, “The Savage Nation,” reaches 10 million listeners every week (full disclosure: I have been a guest host on his program). Almost alone among major conservative commentators, Mr. Savage has been sounding the alarm about Mr. Obama’s creeping dictatorship. His latest blockbuster, “Trickle Down Tyranny,” (Harper Collins, 2012) is a must-read. Well-written and concise, the book provides a detailed, comprehensive account of the administration’s rampant corruption and numerous abuses of power.

It has one overarching, central theme: Mr. Obama is a radical leftist carrying out a Venezuela-style revolution. Mr. Savage calls the president a “fiscal Marxist” and a “new Hugo Chavez” determined to dismantle American capitalism and constitutional democracy. Mr. Savage discusses almost every one of Mr. Obama’s power grabs - Obamacare, the Dodd-Frank financial reform, the de facto nationalization of General Motors and Chrysler, the drive to create a “green economy” through administrative fiat, the numerous policy “czars” who have Cabinet-level powers but no accountability or congressional oversight, the National Defense Authorization Act, which enables the president to detain any U.S. citizen indefinitely under suspicion of being a “terrorist,” the push to censor the Internet, the illegal war in Libya, the massive expansion of government through out-of-control spending and record deficits, and the administration’s criminal involvement in gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels.
Savage rails against a soft military and is scared to death of Islam. It's all about illegals sneaking in and doing terror. Yet when
Pres. Obama says he will watch you from above [drones/ease-dropping] he turns tail and says wrongful, bad Pres. Savage can't find middle ground anywhere.

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Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:33 pm
by TheeTFD
continued J.Kuhner
According to Mr. Savage, Mr. Obama’s aim in the U.S. is similar to Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin in Russia: to create the Union of Socialist States of America - the U.S.S.A. The president is a Leninist bent on forging a new world order based on economic collectivism, world government and an internationalist ruling class. The key to achieving his dream is to eradicate the American nation. This is why for years Mr. Savage has been pounding the importance of “language, borders and culture.” The ultra-left’s mission is not only an economic revolution, but a cultural one: transforming America into a bilingual, multicultural socialist empire. Mr. Savage understands that the battering ram is massive, unlimited immigration, thereby smashing our historic and demographic core.
Who let and caused the Vietnamese to come in, 200K at a time, bad government. OK you got me. Would your demographic
core be WASP ? Including rampant Confederates ?

Such profound social engineering requires state coercion and centralized rule. We must be compelled to abandon self-government in favor of soft tyranny. This is why Mr. Savage darkly warns that our freedoms may vanish in a second Obama term: “We will very likely not survive as a free nation after four more years under Obama’s rule,” he writes.
And what freedom is that ? To act like unbridled aholes. The corralling with discipline is coming and it will be humbling and righteous. And what's so wrong/evil about socialism, limited ? If it is good enough for our strongest allies I doubt it could harm America.
Russia is garbage. And to think we bailed them out with $100M. What would the McCarthy's have thought !? Maybe that was good paranoia.

Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a columnist at The Washington Times and president of the Edmund Burke Institute.

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Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:24 pm
by TheeTFD
Once Savage was discussing American war maneuvers with the Chinese fleet.
He had a guest, ex-military, and they both agreed America was giving away military secrets.
That's not how I see it. America was showing China that if they even gave Taiwan as much as a dirty look, they would blow them out of the water.
Savage is very paranoid about state security. Nothing the government can do short of going to war will satisfy him.

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:45 pm
by TheeTFD
The Donald and Mikey
Mike had Trump on today. Trump is getting better as a politician. Evasive, but that's normal.
I think Trump wants to make his stand on emigration. Trump upset many with his uncouth delivery about Mexican illegals
being criminals.
America should stay one united nation. But how do you do that ? You can start with one language.
Mostly all Trump said was how outrageous all the issues are. And changes should be done quickly.
I remember in my youth my opinion was, just that, fix it quickly. But now I understand, that's just not very smart.
And it'll take longer than we want.
Mike said to be a Mexican legal, you gotta jump through hoops, very well. As opposed to America where you can just wade a shallow river.
Donald said he would take care of the vets. That's because he would go to war at the drop of a hat ! You better mean to keep that land !
-----4 dead in Ohio ! quote Neil Young

Re: Micheal Savage

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:33 pm
by TheeTFD
Anchor Babies - Amendment 14
---This is a bit of a touchy subject because innocent babies could be stricken-with various troubles.
If the baby is born in U.S.A. --- It's a U.S.A. citizen [but subject to American jurisdiction] --- the mother gets citizenship to coddle
the child and if there is a father he is "Grandfathered" in to maintain the family. We are going out of the way for the paired group.
A huge group. Dedicated fornicators.
--- Because I don't think children should be any kind of "guinea pig"; but this would/could constitute manipulating female desires to
semi*-procreate* under a duress. For neutral masses this pushes the numbers game. We can stand still with minimal growth for how
long ? 1-5 yr.? Longer ? Maybe that should be the adjusted growth cycle ? These growth numbers must match the industrial growth so the
jobs are there. We do this so we don't become the Mexico situation we have now. Where industry and land-space collide to force an issue.
How desperate does that sound ? Humans aren't about desperation unless they want to survive desperately !
Don't force our hand with that garbage here. The desperation... Russia, Bosnia, Palestine, Israel, everywhere since the beginning of history.
Let's not make that mistake again, horribly horrible !
If the government feels free to let unbridled numbers into the country why should we give a damn about unemployment ?
We like the number small to minimize desperate poor that might try and strong-arm our front door.
I don't think the government can have it both ways. Either keep us safe with strong employment or don't allow emigration.
China has more land-mass than U.S.A. but 1.3 billion people ! Even they know that's excessive. 4x U.S.A.
* nothing professional about it. [wrong USA has at 88,000 more square miles of land mass. That's about the size of New Mexico.]